Kukaan ei tiedä (ei edes pöytäkirjan tarkastaja Jaani Länsiö?)?Kim Lindblad kirjoitti:SFL:n viime syyskokouksen pöytäkirjasta:
"...Tulee aloittaa keskustelut mahdollisesta yhdistymisestä SLKL:n kanssa."
Oliko tämä hallituksen, SLKL:n, TT:n vai jonkun yksittäisen jäsenen ehdotus?
- Viestit: 298
- Liittynyt: Ke 13 Huhti 2005, 11:40
- Oikea nimi: Kim Lindblad
- Viestit: 298
- Liittynyt: Ke 13 Huhti 2005, 11:40
- Oikea nimi: Kim Lindblad
Re: Historia
Marko kirjoitti: La Touko 09, 2009 1:24 am
SLKL oli alunperin nimeltään Suomen Frisbeekiekkoliitto, vuonna 1978.
juvieri kirjoitti: Ke Syys 20, 2006 8:25 pm
Ensimmäinen Suomen Frisbeeliitto perustettu 1978 nimi muutettu myöhemmin Liitokiekkoliito:ksi (Lähde: Petri Isolan pääkirjoitus Frisbari 1/88 s.2)
Kim Lindblad kirjoitti: Pe Joulu 15, 2006 7:49 pm
Viime lauantain Kristiinan Karviskisan yhteydessä Seppo Nieminen kertoi, että ensimmäisen liiton ensimmäinen nimi oli Suomen Frisbee-liitto, mutta koska Wham-O ei voinut hyväksyä sellaista nimeä, jouduttiin muuttamaan sitä Suomen Frisbee-kiekko liitto:ksi.
- Viestit: 298
- Liittynyt: Ke 13 Huhti 2005, 11:40
- Oikea nimi: Kim Lindblad
Re: Historia
Kiekkogolfin historia alkaa oikeastaan tästä (ensimmäinen muovifrisbee ei ollutkaan Flyin-Saucer):
Malafronte kirjoitti eBay:ssä 3.9.2010:
"It appears that we have discovered a new first frisbee ever made! I received a phone call from Mike who lives in Connecticut. Mike had just purchased a copy of my frisbee collector’s guide online. Well, we start talking about frisbee frisbie and toy catalogs. I quickly found out that Mike probably has the world’s largest collection of toys and toy catalogs. Mike is also a product designer. This is one conversation that I will never forget. Mike told me about the BABY ANGEL. Mike said the Baby Angel was made of butyrate in 1938!! This disc is about 8” in diameter with a dome top. It has the words Baby Angel written twice on the top of the frisbee aka disc. Just like the double scrip Morrison Flyin Saucer. The Baby Angel was created via injection molding which was available in the 1930’s. The real kicker in this find is that Mike has a toy catalog with a picture of the Baby Angel that is dated 1938! There can no better documentation that a dated toy catalog. Mike also told me about another frisbee type item called The Flyer which was made with paper type material via vacuum forming. The Flyer was made 1948. Mike has another toy catalog with a picture of the Flyer.
I told Mike that I have two frisbee friends that should visit with him. My old friend Dave (PHD which is for “Power House Dave). Dave needs to inspect all 150+ frisbie tins that Mike has to see if there are any new unknown variations. Plus, Tom Kennedy lives near by and would be able to offer personal insight for these two new heavy weight frisbee items. If I had the plane fare, I would be waiting at Mike’s door. So, that this time, we are still flying around in a circle. Until Mike sends me some photos of the Baby Angel and Flyer, plus a photo of the dated catalogs. It does appear that Mike will rewrite the history of frisbee as we know it. Are there any other frisbee items still undiscovered? I hope to be around to find out!"
Malafronte kirjoitti eBay:ssä 7.9.2010:
"The correct name for the first frisbee is Baby Moon"
Malafronte kirjoitti eBay:ssä 3.9.2010:
"It appears that we have discovered a new first frisbee ever made! I received a phone call from Mike who lives in Connecticut. Mike had just purchased a copy of my frisbee collector’s guide online. Well, we start talking about frisbee frisbie and toy catalogs. I quickly found out that Mike probably has the world’s largest collection of toys and toy catalogs. Mike is also a product designer. This is one conversation that I will never forget. Mike told me about the BABY ANGEL. Mike said the Baby Angel was made of butyrate in 1938!! This disc is about 8” in diameter with a dome top. It has the words Baby Angel written twice on the top of the frisbee aka disc. Just like the double scrip Morrison Flyin Saucer. The Baby Angel was created via injection molding which was available in the 1930’s. The real kicker in this find is that Mike has a toy catalog with a picture of the Baby Angel that is dated 1938! There can no better documentation that a dated toy catalog. Mike also told me about another frisbee type item called The Flyer which was made with paper type material via vacuum forming. The Flyer was made 1948. Mike has another toy catalog with a picture of the Flyer.
I told Mike that I have two frisbee friends that should visit with him. My old friend Dave (PHD which is for “Power House Dave). Dave needs to inspect all 150+ frisbie tins that Mike has to see if there are any new unknown variations. Plus, Tom Kennedy lives near by and would be able to offer personal insight for these two new heavy weight frisbee items. If I had the plane fare, I would be waiting at Mike’s door. So, that this time, we are still flying around in a circle. Until Mike sends me some photos of the Baby Angel and Flyer, plus a photo of the dated catalogs. It does appear that Mike will rewrite the history of frisbee as we know it. Are there any other frisbee items still undiscovered? I hope to be around to find out!"
Malafronte kirjoitti eBay:ssä 7.9.2010:
"The correct name for the first frisbee is Baby Moon"