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Westside Discs Pursi ja Vipunen protot testissä

Lähetetty: To 17 Marras 2011, 12:27
Kirjoittaja jiiärrä
Pikkaisen kielilurssia, kun kirjoitin näiden kiekkojen prototyyppien ensiheitoistani kansainväliselle yleisölle. Kiekot voivat muuttua kokeilemistani tuotantoon päästyä ja testaajakommenttien saavuttua. Näin vain yhden kappaleen kumpaakin, joten en tiedä, ovatko kaikki prototyypit samanlaisia muodolta ja lennolta. Edes siinä rajassa, mitä tila mahdollisti. Siksi kiinnostaa, mitä muut protoja heittäneet ovat mieltä näistä kiekoista. Puhuin Janne Penttilän kanssa puhelimessa ja hän sanoi, että on ok kertoa havainnoista julkisesti, kun vain mainitaan, että kyseessä ovat protot ja tuotantomallit voivat erota näistä.

I was busy doing other stuff, so i only got one throw with a prototype midrange disc and a driver from Westside Discs yesterday. The discs were released for testers yesterday and they may change based on the feedback from the testers before release next year. The release is probably before summer. And summer in Finland starts late. You can see more on The discs seemed to differ a bit from the simulated images. The Warship was slightly domier than the image and i did not notice the outer edge drooping on the Giant.

Feel wise my first impression of the Warship was, that the plastic is as good in gripping as any VIP or Opto plastic has ever been or mildly tackier. The height and the feel was in my first impression like a Wasp without the bead, but slightly taller up top than flat top Z Buzzzes and not as domey as X Buzzzes. I liked the grip and my hands aren't large so that alone piqued my interest. And i had just thrown S Warrior and E Scout for the first time in my life before throwing the Warship. Shape feels great and i would not wonder if it lends itself to sidearming almost as well as the thin Warrior. I compared an Opto Pain side by side to the Warship and the dome is 1 mm taller on the Warship and the underside is around 2 millimeters thinner with the Warship.

The flight of the Warship is slightly understable at high speeds and it has an unusual fade portion of the flight in a nice way. The disc is obviously fast and gliding, thus long, for a mid. I gave it three-four degrees of initial hyzer and it flipped to one degree hyzer. It flew left before the fade for about 7-10' at around 250' finishing in the net of the indoor hall at 310' at ground level 30' left of the initial line. The disc hit the net at ground level with 3 degree hyzer so it moved forward in the fade very well and the addition of the fade angle was very slow and the movement to the left was very gradual. The disc penetrated well forward despite flying hyzer all the way despite having been thrown at 80 % power. Apex was at 9-10'. I don't throw mids much farther than that. Most mids top at that distance for me and this was with pulled power. So i think the closest competitors are the longest and fastest low fade mids. Such as an Axis (needs spin and a clean release) and the Warrior (seems to fade a little more). Buzzz can't compete in distance, because it is slower and fades and drops earlier for effective height holding.

The Giant had a thinner wing and a taller profile than my GL Bolt. The dome seemed a little taller, than the simulation picture. The Giant flies understable in this prototype and it flipped to flat from a three degree hyzer. It had just started to fade, when it hit the wall at 320' so the high speed portion of the flight seems a lot like the GL Bolt, but at a slower speed. The Giant held the height well and it was almost as good at holding the altitude as the Bolt. Considering that the Bolt flies faster, it has more lift at 320' so speed for speed the Giant may hold height as well. As long as both fall under their respective cruise speeds as much. This means, that the Giant has a very good glide. And the fade does not kick in too early or too hard for good distance vs the speed, probably. I have no idea about the fade, skip and absolute distance. I would think, that a Pro Destroyer broken in a bit, but not to the flipping and long gliding then hard fading phase has a competitor. No vulcanized top here. I wonder, how the Giant differs from a Sword other than in high speed stability. I can't tell, because the hall was too short to see the fade and distance properly and there was frost on the ground outside and no room to throw in, because of soccer players. And the tester, who had the discs was leaving and it was late at night.

Re: Westside Discs Pursi ja Vipunen protot testissä

Lähetetty: To 17 Marras 2011, 12:55
Kirjoittaja PM
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